How Many Hours Do Neet Toppers Study - Neet Toppers Time Table

How Many Hours Do Neet Toppers Study is the most trending question asked by the students who are preparing for the NEET Exam 2022.

Neet Toppers Time Table: How Many Hours Do Neet Toppers Study is the most trending question asked by the students who are preparing for the NEET Exam 2022. Clearing NEET Exam 2022 is the stepping stone for a candidate to get admission to a medical college to pursue MBBS or BDS course. Every year, lakhs of students appear for the NEET Medical Entrance Exam, however, only handfuls are able to make it through it. So, what is it that toppers do to crack the NEET exam? Well, to answer this question, below we have listed the tried and tested strategies and success mantras followed by previous years’ toppers to crack the NEET exam. 

All the following tips are recommended by the toppers. They followed these strategies only to clear the NEET exam. Know, how you can make the most of these tips be among the toppers of the NEET 2022 Exam.


Ascertain Everything before Planning

As you have more than 8 months remaining for the NEET 2022 Exam, toppers suggest that you have enough time to plan, prepare, and revise your syllabus thoroughly before the date of NEET exam. It’s just, you need to be disciplined and punctual with whatever plan you make for the NEET 2022 Exam Preparation. However, before making a plan, consider the following points and formulate your planning accordingly:

  1. Know your syllabus thoroughly
  2. Make a weekly timetable.
  3. Do revision of everything on weekly basis. For example, make 6 days timetable and keep the 7th day for the revision.
  4. Allot time to each subject as per your command in every subject. If you are better at Biology and Chemistry, give more time to Physics in your timetable.

Follow MCI Recommended Syllabus

The Toppers advise considering the recommendation of the Medical Council of India (MCI) regarding the Syllabus as they are known for defining it. You can find the syllabus for the NEET exam suggested by the MCI on the official website. 

The syllabus is prepared after reviewing different State syllabus along with those prepared by NCERT, CBSE, and COBSE. Make sure to prepare for the exam as per the syllabus. Toppers recommend referring to NCERT books as most of the questions in the NEET exam are based on concepts of NCERT.

Practice Full-Length Mock Tests

NEET exam is not only about knowledge but also about timing. You not only need to learn the syllabus but also work on your answering speed” – said one of the toppers. As the NEET exam consists of 180 questions and the duration of the exam is 180 minutes, it is really important to be prompt in answering a question during the NEET exam. The only way to boost your speed is by practising as many mock tests (offline or online) as you can after you are done covering the syllabus for the NEET exam.

Evaluate Your Performance

When you will be done taking several mock tests, you will be able to ascertain where your strengths and weakness lies. This way you will get a better idea as to which section needs more attention. Make your further preparation planning considering these factors. 

And remember that you must give equal attention to each subject i.e. Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. “Convert your weak areas into your strength by devoting more time to topics and concepts you find difficult to understand” – says HET Shah who secured AIR 1 in NEET 2016.

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Preciseness Is Inevitable

In the NEET exam, you must only trust your knowledge and not your gut feeling. This is because, in hope of achieving 4 marks (marks assigned for each correct answer), you might lose 1 mark (1 marks deduction for every wrong answer). 

In an exam like NEET, 1 mark can make a whole lot of difference. So, make sure to answer every question after understanding them thoroughly. According to Arushi who secured AIR 5 and AIR 2 in NEET and AIIMS MBBS 2021 exam respectively “One must analyze his her mistakes and put extra efforts to understand the reason behind them. Studying this way gives a student an edge over topics and amplifies confidence”.

So, these are some of the tips suggested by the NEET exam’s toppers of previous years for the candidates gearing for the NEET 2022 exam.

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With a plethora of knowledge of the education domain, Tahir Hassan have been involved with study abroad for over 5 years and counting. He comes with prior experience on the complexities of the study abroad application process and holds a master'…

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